- home wimbi - kids view water, the photo-project
- sitemap here you see all the pages of the english wimbi-website
- classes the basics of photography, the wimbi photography-classes
- color mixing an exercise in pigment color mixing
- photograms photograms portraying the letters of the alphabet
- pinhole portraits portraits from cardboard pinhole cameras
- stories a picture vs. 1000 words
- galleries about water photography with disposable cameras
- water people man meets maji - water and people
- travelling duck the passage of the rubber ducks
- sub marine photographs taken with disposable underwater cameras
- water closets pictures of water closets, toilets and buckets
- flying water photos of water in the air and in the face
- waterscapes waterscapes - landscapes with water
- bata nyeusi bata nyeusi - the black rubber duck
- kibanda kibanda - informal architecture seen through a pinhole
- kibanda cape town pinhole photographs from the townships of cape town, south africa
- kibanda nairobi pinhole photographs from the slums of nairobi, kenya
- news the wimbi news blog
- downloads downloads from wimbi for you
- donations here you can help wimbi, please donate!
- partners thanks to all our friends and donours