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donations for wimbi

thank you very much!

without the support and generous help of a lot of people wimbi would never have made it as far as this.

i want to thank everybody for their help, their donations and price reductions, thei patience, late hours and night-shifts as well as their open hearts and ears and the trust in me and my ideas.

color mixing, cape town, south africa, 2003
color wheel, cape town, south africa, 2003

to continue my work with wimbi i need your help, please give what you can.
be reassured, all the money collected here will be used only for the project, either to pay for travel expenses, teaching materials or to maintain this website.
you can donate through paypal by clicking the following button:
... or transfer the donation to the wimbi bank-account:
donate your old analogue camera to wimbi!
(click "about us" for the adress

without the support and generous help of a lot of people wimbi would never have made it as far as this.

i want to thank everybody for their help, their donations and price reductions, thei patience, late hours and night-shifts as well as their open hearts and ears and the trust in me and my ideas.

pinhole camera, self portrait, cape town, south africa 2008

thank you very much!

without the support and generous help of a lot of people wimbi would never have made it as far as this.

i want to thank everybody for their help, their donations and price reductions, thei patience, late hours and night-shifts as well as their open hearts and ears and the trust in me and my ideas.

© 2009 dirk räppold contact