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kids view water

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the wave in physics

A disturbance propagated in a medium in such a manner that at any point in the medium the quantity serving as the measure of disturbance is a function of the time, while at any instant the displacement at a point is a function of the location of the point.
Source: European Union.

first, in class, we brainstorm on water, maji, wasser or amanzi and the students think about their individual approaches of the subject.

after i have explained the handling of the cameras and warned about the most common mistakes (finger on the lens, or on the flash; to far away from subject etc.) everybody gets his or her own camera and off they go...
all pictures were taken using fuji-quicksnap 400 flash cameras. these are fix-focus-, 35 mm-, compact cameras with a built-in flash and 27 exposures at iso 400. since the cameras are disposable the kids do not have to worry about them when doing heavy-duty-stunt-photography. the pictures are developed on the spot and scrutinised in class. after everybody's pictures have been discussed everybody is going for a second round, this time taking care about that finger on the lens...

langa secondary school, cape town, south africa, 2003
isimileah secondary school, cape town, south africa, 2003
german school nairobi, nairobi, kenya, 20008
kibagare good news centre, nairobi, kenya, 20008

the wave in physics

A disturbance propagated in a medium in such a manner that at any point in the medium the quantity serving as the measure of disturbance is a function of the time, while at any instant the displacement at a point is a function of the location of the point.
Source: European Union.